Saturday 24 May 2014

Stess linked to Addiction


When I was in a private rehab in Worcestershire, John the owner said something to me that made me think. He asked me what i thought my illness was i said obviously Alcoholism since i was in here for Alcohol dependency. His answer is what made me think he said "no it is stress, alcohol is a symptom of your illness" meaning when i was stressed i used alcohol to get rid of the feeling and in doing so was training my brain and body in that every time i felt any for of stress it knew alcohol would take it away. Like anything do this time and time again for a number of years this becomes normal. Until it then takes over. Take a look at the table below and see if you get any of this.

Sunday 11 May 2014

A bit about Ibogaine


Thought i would share a bit about this Treatment that seems to be kicking addictions arse. Especially Heroin. This seems more effective than methadone. 

Strength and the duration of the REM sleeping developed by Ibogaine is sufficient to fix the fluctuations within the mindis neurotransmitter systems. Following the heroin addictis mind is worn off by the Ibogaine may create its way to obtain Dopamine again, so there's no discomfort from withdrawal. The drug addict it has corrected the expectancy of raised Endorphin levels and has the capacity to effectively metabolize Endorphin, so there's no yearning. You will see instances of really serious habits which are not totally corrected having a solitary Ibogaine therapy, where brain tissues that use Dopamine have died down or tissues that use Endorphin are changed. That recovery in the cellular-level has started but will need additional time for that body to repair. Fresh head tissues are grown by the mind throughout the Ibogaine knowledge and certainly will again upon re-therapy, however the bodily recovery includes a large head-start and certainly will proceed every evening so long as there's no further addictive drug-use. There's also several instances where the actual habit continues to be fixed with Ibogaine but, as a result of lengthy amount of decades to be a fan, a psychological fitness toward habit might proceed. This fitness as well as the insufficient recovery is just why "purifying" substance dependency remedies, types that simply get an addict after dark toughest section of withdrawal, frequently neglect to crack habit. This issue is approached by ibogaine and not simply the actual habit. Prefer to support overcome a childhood injury, ibogaine may be used within the exercise of psychological guidance. Additionally, it may assist before habit got around the character or individual identification that existed is recovered by an individual. An Ibogaine individual doesn't hallucinate just like common psychedelic drugs like LSD. Once the eyes are available there might be only a little visible distortion or viewing of colored lighting that's not therein a dark-room. Using the eyes shut the knowledge occurs which is mainly pictures the individual has really observed, natural visible information from a whole lifetime that may currently be utilized, which quickly come and therefore are changed by more. The pictures might be believed-provoking styles required for reconciliation of character and your brain or perhaps a overview of previous choices and sometimes even upheaval which are comfortably noticed, as though from the secure range or by having an educated viewpoint. Nowadays several Ibogaine solutions occur in two stages, the very first therapy to recuperate actually in the habit and again per week later, following the individual has already established time for you to discover and think about how sobriety seems and what poor emotions stay, possess a minute therapy to deal with the mental issues. In this manner Ibogaine could be a potent help to guidance.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Just a taster

I shall start when I was 13 years old and started drinking.  I would save my dinner money for school meals and meet up with mates on a night and buy alcohol.  It started with 1 or 2 cans of normal strength larger but soon progressed to a litre of cider, then 2 litres and then 3 litres.  This would happen at least 3 to 4 times a week usually in the Local Park or graveyard!  Looking back even then I drank more than my mates.
This pattern carried on until a left school and then I started to work, in pubs!  So my drinking became what is termed ‘normal’ drinking, a few after work and more on a weekend.  When I worked on a weekend and had days off during the week instead I would treat these as a weekend and drink more, it seemed acceptable.  Basically I was drinking every night.
Then at 21 years old my then girlfriend had our first son so going out calmed down a lot. I continued to hold down a job but I was still drinking most nights, mainly whiskey and lemon.  It started at a quarter bottle which quickly increased to half a bottle and this was just week nights.  On a weekend it was a cocktail of larger & cider, washed down with more whiskey.  As I say, I managed to hold down a job (a functioning alcoholic).  I would spend my days at work thinking
constantly about my first drink, knowing it would make me feel better.
By the age of 27 my second son had come along to the same partner and my tolerance to alcohol was sky high!  I started getting into trouble with the police; I was banned from driving, fighting, lots of domestics, all down to the demon drink.  My relationship which had been at breaking point for some time finally crumbled, and I moved out, sleeping on my mates sofas and drinking even more.  I started missing work and eventually lost my job.
By this time there was blood appearing in my urine and I was spewing blood too.  I really was at rock bottom and took myself to my doctor’s.  He put me on Antibuse straightaway.  This was without a detox, which I now know to be very dangerous!  That said I did stop drinking for 5 months and things started to improve and I got back with my ex and was seeing my boys again.  I even got my old job back.  However the relationship didn’t last long once again and I moved into a flat.   I started to have a can of larger after work which increased to two, then 4, then 6 and 8…… and so on.  I lost my job again and was right back where I was before, if not worse.  This time I got involved with the wrong group of lads and it was drink and drugs this time.  This led to a lot of trouble with the police and I started shoplifting, selling drugs to fund my alcohol.  Drugs at this time were not the real problem I simple took them because I was drinking.  They seemed to come hand in hand.
Things went from bad to worse, I was totally out of control and if I was conscious I was drinking. It got so bad that I tried ending my life with pills.  It was at this point that I went back to my GP who referred me to Leeds Addiction Unit and I completed a home detox and didn’t drink for 5/6 weeks but it wasn’t long before I was back to square one. And so it was back to the LAU and I ask them to refer me to a rehabilitation centre.  I was lucky to get accepted and did a 10 days detox followed by a three month rehabilitation.  I seemed to do well and I felt like a new man.  I had a voluntary job and a new girlfriend that I had meet in rehab.  I know what you’re think “oh no, bad move”.  You are wrong.   Okay we did lapse after a month and things were absolute mayhem.  We both realised that we needed to do something about it quickly and even in our drunkenness we knew this so strongly that we started surfing the net and found a name and number of someone we hoped could help. That someone was a guy like me now, called Chris and he got us referred to a private rehab the very next day.  and his partner, both alcoholics and drug addict..  They taught us so much in the month we were there.  In fact we learnt more in the first 3 days there then either of us had in the 3 months that we had been in rehab.
I am now well over 2 years sober I got my old job back and started doing voluntary helping out at the government run rehab and pass on all I have learned sadly government run rehabs do not have a good success rate as you do get what you pay for and the government don't really understand addiction so the funding is not there which I believe is wrong.

Now I have the experience and contacts for the top 20 rehabilitation clinics I want to help anyone I can to get the treatment I got through contacting some like myself and help addicts get the healthy future they deserve.

So don't hesitate to contact me I am always here to help.